I was diagnosed 12-16 with GP. It has completely changed my life for the worse. I was running my own business and going to nursing school. I had to quit school first because I couldn’t keep up with all the illness. I then had to cut my hours back which I am single mom of 3 so the financial burden is dire. I have been to several doctors, specialists, and had so many testing and medication trial and errors. I am left with two disabilities due to this disease and treatments so far. The options we have are very limited and our approved medications all have serious side effects and risks. I am 47 years old and my life and my kids lives have drastically changed. Due to lack of research , knowledge, and treatments my quality and quantity of life are severely diminished. I strive so hard to fight my body everyday in hopes just to see my twins graduate high school. I’m not sure the damage to my body and heart from chronic malnutrition and dehydration, is going to last too long. PLEASE help us by getting this bill through. It is a matter of life and death. Starving to death is very painful in itself. I do not believe I will be around for a cure , my hope is for minimal better treatment and research or cure this awful disease .