He is no longer able to attend traditional school and spends most days in pain.

Serena Ayscue family

For the last 6 years my son has suffered terribly with gastroparesis. He began with it at 6 years old and is now 12. He is no longer able to attend traditional school and spends most days in pain. Because of the lack of funding, there are very few medications that can be used and there is even less research that has been done to help children. They are basically told to just suffer. It is absolutely the worse thing in the world to be told there is not much that can be done for your child. I look at cancer funding for children and I wonder why my child does not matter as much as those children. All children matter. I understand budgets, I understand the number of people with the disease, I get it…but until someone like you stands up for someone like us…my child will continue to suffer. We understand that a vote won’t even necessarily help our son, but if we can be brave, and stand together then we can at least say, that today’s suffering was not in vain, because tomorrow will be a better day for those that come behind us. Please join me in standing strong and please co-sponsor HR 3396. There are a lot of things we can stand for. I would be honored if you would stand with me and say that you want the suffering of children and adults with gastroparesis to end. Thank you for your consideration. I greatly appreciate your time and any thought that is given to this. I decided to share a picture of our family when things are good. We try to focus on those days. My son is the youngest one and he is tough as nails with the wisdom of a man much older. Thanks again for your time.

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