I have had gastroparesis for 7 years and every year hope that a drug is found that will get rid of it. Feeling like you have a stomach bug 24/7 is no way to live. I currently take an acid reflux drug called Dexilant that my insurance has decided I don’t need 2 pills a day, but only one.
I’ve lost most of my friends as I can’t go out for dinner and drinks. The holidays are horrific because it’s all good food food and I can’t eat it.
I’m lucky I can still work but many days I sit and hope I don’t vomit all over a meeting table. Vacations spent at home where I can have some bland carbohydrates
I’ve lost weight and now have gained weight based on all the carbs I eat. No fruits, no vegetables, no meat.
Doctors laugh at us calling us drug seekers for stomach pain, which all I ever want is anti nausea meds. We are anemic, tired all the time. This is not the life I signed up for. I’d rather have cancer because some can be cured.
I’ve written to Ed Markey, Catherine Clark, Elizabeth Warren- I get form letters in return. Everybody is out politicing and we are literally starving to death.
This bill is being reintroduced again, as it has in the past.
What happened to empathy and compassion ????? What do I have to look forward to? Nothing. My being has been diminished to “we don’t care about you”
Please help us. People are dying every day. It’s not normal